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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
October 6-12, 2002

Southern California LEGO Train Club

   SCLTC (the Southern California LEGO Train Club) is a small group of LEGO train enthusiasts who build large train layouts for public display and for their own entertainment. Their website contains hundreds of photos from several train shows, and from these you can get a good sense for the enormity of the projects they’ve undertaken. One recent layout encompassed an area 992 studs by 1248 studs, or about 1.2 million sq. studs. (That’s about 900 sq. ft. or about 80 sq. meters.)

HTML geeks: don’t miss the interactive “layout explorer,” a really cool way to show a top view of a large layout while giving additional information.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

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