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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
September 22-28, 2002

The Moonbase Project -Jon Palmer

   The Moonbase Project demonstrates a revolutionary advance in shared thematic building projects. Each participant in a building project can independently design and build a unique module, adhering to a few simple specifications. Any module conforming to the specification will interconnect with other modules, and because of this flexibility, large displays can be assembled on-location in a relatively ad-hoc manner.

The Moonbase Project arose from an in-personal brainstorming session of adult LEGO builders at BrickFest 2002 (July, 2002). Though the project is only barely two months old, you can already browse a large collection of completed modules by various builders.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

Matt's LEGO Train Depot. All about LEGO 9V Trains.
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

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