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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
August 25-31, 2002

Steven’s LEGO Extravaganza -Steven McDonough

   Over 50 pages of Space, Castle, and Town creations are here for your viewing enjoyment. If you’re in a hurry, some suggestions to start with are the Deceptimech, the McSollen Turbo Bike S7600, the Maintenance Truck, the SM 300 Combat Jet “Peregrine”, and the DracoMech 5000 pages in the Space area and Mandrake Longfellow’s Tower of Sorcerers Sundries, Temple of the Creator, and Vultures pages in the Castle area. Also don’t miss the Other Creations page for some good humor.

Image quality varies quite a bit from page to page, so don’t give up if the first page you choose shows blurry images; some of the photos are quite excellent. Several of the models also feature innovative uses of hinged elements to create very interesting wall structures and collapsable cars.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman) - the Stonepage for all LEGO Fans
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