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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
August 18-24, 2002

Amy’s LEGO® Projects -Amy Hughes

   Amy loves windows and diagonals in archtechture, and uses both ingeniously. Here you’ll find three tasty architectural models: two churches and an office building. The smaller church uses 1000 windows. The larger Abston Church, unfortunately, is no longer available for viewing on the web. (Amy removed the photos from her website after its traffic allotment was exceeded during a period of extreme popularity a few months ago.)

Don’t miss the flap-winged Ornithopter Mk I model, and be sure to check out Amy’s 40-square-foot, 150-pound project table with a base made from 1/2” steel pipe. Curiosly -- and probably no coincidence -- the dimensions of the table match the given dimensions of Abston Church.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

Guz & Rodd's 3D-LEGO!
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

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