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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
August 11-17, 2002

Mechanized Brick -Chris Churchill

   Technically, this is a commercial site, since Chris sells “kits” of the original models he has designed, but you can still enjoy the photos and perhaps discover some new building techniques. In striving for realism, Chris has positioned elements at all sorts of interesting angles using hinges and other connections and has included a large variety of hull details such as gas cans, tools, spare tank treads, opening tops and rear access hatches, even retractable landing gear on the fighters.

It’s especially interesting to note, by the way, just how realistic these World War II models are, given that The LEGO Company produces no military green color (as some of its competitors do). LEGO has long had a “no military” policy. As Chris illustrates, however, many elegant (and ominous!) designs still look just fine in grays.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman) - the Stonepage for all LEGO Fans
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

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