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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
August 4-10, 2002

LEGO Model Trucks -Evert van Wichen

   Evert, a Construction Engineering & Management student in The Netherlands, loves building construction equipment with LEGO, and has built several 1:13-scale trucks, a loader, and a working crane which extends more than 3 meters upward.

The photos shown on the site were taken outside among grass and dirt, giving the models an extra realism. Check out the photos on the MAN 48.422 Tipper and Volvo L90D Wheel Loader pages, for example, and notice how easy it is to forget for a moment that these are LEGO models...(the only thing missing is the operator). It’s a very nice touch to see these beautiful vehicles actually moving dirt!

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

The Sixby Fire Tech Home Page
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