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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
June 10–June 16, 2001

Marlon’s LEGO Page —Marlon Wuytenburg

   Marlon is a sculptor, a media buff, and a dab hand at computer graphics work too.

The sculptures include a 15” R2-D2, the head of Darth Maul, and an (almost) life-size Gibson SG guitar. No doubt Marlon scored extra points for cute for the R2 chorus line on the bottom of the R2 page (takes a while to load, but very cute).

There are several small James Bond models complete with stylish instruction sheets, LEGOLAND fig renditions of music legends AC/DC and Tom Connors, a host of Dr. Who figs and models, and a video of the Rebels and Empire bout from the last SWWF Smackabout.

As with all video, it takes quite a while to load, but what with the audio clips from the movies, sound effects, and excellent editing, it’s laugh-out-loud funny.

Fantastic. More please....

(Reviewed by Richard Parsons)

More about Marlon’s LEGO Page...

  NEW Doctor Who Lego - The 8th Doctor Just updated my Lego page with my rendition of the 8th Doctor, Paul McGann. Don't forget to check out my AC-DC Lego, Star Wars Wrestling Movie, Lego Guitar and more! (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.announce)  

  Star Wars Wreslting video, R2D2 & Darth Maul models....
For anyone interested I made a Lego Studios movie, mixing Star Wars and Wrestling... also, I have a 15" high model of R2D2 and a model of Darth Mauls head... (24 years ago, 7-Mar-01, to lugnet.starwars)

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