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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
April 22-28, 2001

Frank’s LEGO Site —Frank Buiting

   This is the place to come if you want to look up a new LEGO-related word you’ve just heard or just to enjoy browsing the color-coded Lexicon of LEGO-fan jargon Frank has created. Also on this site are many original creations by Frank — a LEGO Outlet Store, a Heavy Railway Crane, and several other beautiful train-themed models. Very tasty.

Overall, this site is remarkably clean and sports a very attractive design. (You’ll understand when you see it. :-)

Star Wars fans: don’t miss Frank’s realistic Han Solo in Carbonite, a vast improvement over the flat brick supplied with 7144 Slave I.

Showcase of models built with LEGO bricks
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

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