Wanna advertise your LEGO web site on
Cool LEGO Site of the Week?
It's fun, it's easy, and it's free.
- Create one or more banner ads for your site. Banner ads must be:
- LEGO-related, of course
- Exactly 400 pixels wide and 40 pixels tall
- Less than 7K (7,168 bytes) in size
- GIF or JPEG format (no looping animated GIFs, although transparent
is OK if you don't make any assumptions about the background color)
- You must host the image file(s) on your site/server.
- Your ad will be chosen at random from a pool of ads each time someone
accesses a Cool LEGO Site of the Week page. You may register as many
different banners and as many different web site URLs as you like
(within reason), and they will all be used to advertise your site,
although you should be aware that registering multiple banners does
not increase your exposure relative to other people. That is, someone
with 1 banner advertising their 1-page site gets just as much exposure
as someone with 6 banners advertising 4 pages on their massive site.
If you have a complex site, you might choose to advertise your main
LEGO homepage, your LEGO models page, and, say, your LEGO set listings
page, all with different banners.
- All LEGO-related sites are welcome. Your site does not have to be a
Cool LEGO Site of the Week Nominee or Past Pick.
- To register a banner ad with Cool LEGO Site of the Week, send e-mail
with the following information:
- The location of your web page(s)
- The location of your banner file(s)
- The ALT text to be displayed inside the IMG tag for each banner
(each banner image can have different ALT text)
By doing so, you grant Cool LEGO Site of the Week ("CLSotW") the
right to display your banner image(s) on CLSotW pages as often and
as many times at CLSotW sees fit, as well as the right to link
directly to your banner image(s) on your webserver.
- However, you are still the owner of your banner image(s). CLSotW
makes no claim of ownership to your image(s) and you may request
at any time that any or all be removed from CLSotW.
Example submission:
ALT: The Minifig Generator: A free online building toy in JavaScript
- Pending approval, your ad will start appearing (at random) on CLSotW
within a day or so after your submission is received and processed.
- Do not e-mail image files. The banner image(s) you create must be
stored on your own site/server.
- Disclaimer: On a given day, between 500 and 600 people visit Cool
LEGO Site of the Week. However, no guarantees are made that your
web traffic will increase by placing an ad on CLSotW. Generally,
the more enticing your ad, the more visitors you'll draw in.
Cool LEGO® Site of the Week is Copyright ©1996-1998 by Todd Lehman.
All rights reserved worldwide.