The History of the Blank Shields
Dramatis Personae
Before we get into a detailed study of the Blank Shields, we should take a
brief look at who some of the major personalities were:
| | The Captain At the center of our study lies Captain Dhugal, who is chiefly responsible for the prominence of the Blank Shields in the mid to late 600s.
| | Lieutenant Martin Martin was, by all reports, the joker of the crew. A huge, red- bearded jovial man, he was one of the best cavelry commanders of the era. Martin was with Dhugal from the start, having served with him in King Bertrands army.
| | Lieutenant Amanda Amanda was reknowned for her fierce temper and single-minded devotion. It is Amanda that was repeatedly entrusted with the defence of his fortresses. Amanda joined the Blank Shields while they were still constructing the new HQ, and worked her way up through the ranks.
| | Lieutenant David David was already old when he joined the Blank Shields, but he was still able to hide from the entire division of Dhugals rangers, on a dare. He was immediately put in charge of them, on the condition that he teach them all how to do that.
| | Lieutenant Michael About all that Michael is known for is being the quietest of Dhugals lieutenants, although many speculate that he was the strategist of the group. He was also one of the few minifigs that were with the Blank Shields from day one.
| | Fred No one is quite sure where Dhugal met Fred, or why he calls him that, but Fred is as much a part of the Blank Shields as anyone else - he just eats more.
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