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Ben Medinets / story2y |
Chapter 25: Renewed Agression The next morning it felt like all hell had broken loose. King Leon went with Sir Cletus to check on the barracks to see who things were going as far as war preparations. Their army would make a brief stop at the Imperial Capital to pick up their commander, Princess Sara. She was still there helping out with the mobilizations there and proving herself as a definite asset in the Imperial Household. She also was helping with the transition of power to the Emperors deputy, while the Emperor took to the field of battle. It wasnt until afternoon that the army was mobilized and then they prepared to leave. Row upon row, the infantry left, then the archers with a few mounted troops on the sides to protect them. The supply trains were last with a decent amount of troops providing protection on them. Leading the march was King Leon, himself, with Sir Richard the Elder on one side of him, and Sir Cletus on the other, his leading generals. They marched quite slow and they would go to the Imperial Harbor, board ships across the channel, and then land on the other side, joining the Emperors troops at the temple. As they neared the capital, Princess Sara and her father, King Leon saluted one another and the princess joined the march as the commander of the army. It wasnt until late afternoon that they arrived at the ships to cross the channel. While it didnt take long for the journey across the channel, it would take a while to board the ships and then to unload them afterwards. It wasnt until almost dusk that they did finally arrive at the battlefield. Tommy, Prince Achoo, and Willow were already there plugging the holes in the imperial defences. As more allies arrived, the minions of the BLACK MAGE grew more and more apprehensive. Claus, the BLACK MAGE, only laughed at the sudden display of apprehension on his subordinates. He, of course, had several, nasty tricks up his sleeve. It was those nasty tricks that he expected would turn the tide, and give him a decisive victory over the Imperial armies and their allies despite being put under siege at the temple. Not long after King Leon and his troops had left, Prince Benny and his newly married wife, Princess Lisa got ready to travel so he could join the war efforts as an Army Commander. Soren also prepared for the journey. As a respected statesman and trusted advisor of the Emperor, he would also travel with Prince Benny. They all joined up with the bulk of the Elite Cavalry that would escort the Prince and Princess into the war. Before leaving the Prince and Princess said their tearfull goodbyes to Prince Vic, Princess Stephanie, and Queen Beth. It was the hour of reckoning for Benny and the troops with him. Since they were all mounted, it didnt take too long for them to reach the Imperial Capital. Soren checked with the Emperors deputy to see how well he was holding up, and to see how things were going in the Emperors absence. The deputy looked both incredibly loyal and able, despite taking over the reigns of power while the Emperor was gone. The troops that remained looked well, and the townsfolk that were in the capital were still visible, but had put themselves under a general curfew. After returnng to the others, Soren decided it was time for the troops and their mounts to have a dinner break. While they were resting to eat in the capital, Soren went off to also see how the Emperors own chaplain, Jean Paul. Despite not having his Emperor around, and being a Bishop in the land, Jean Paul was doing fine and in great spirits. As Soren talked with Jean Paul, he soon found out that Benny had married Princess Lisa and about Bennys hidden but royal past. Soren excused himself from their pleasant conversation at the Emperors chapel. Jean Paul said he needed to clean himself, and do a couple things, but for the army to wait for his blessing before leaving the capital, and crossing the channel. Soren, and the others were getting impatient. They were seriously planning on leaving without a blessing, as they were wasting precious time. When Jean Paul greeted them this time, he was no longer wearing any vestiges of a cleric, but of royalty. This really took all of them aback. Benny asked surprisingly, Father, (adressing him still as a student would address one of the cloth), why are you dressed like royalty? Son, Jean Paul said, (addressing Benny not as a cleric, but as father to his own son). It is perhaps time you found out the truth about me. This post as the Emperors own Chaplain is merely being used as a facade to protect me from the evil conspiracies of the BLACK MAGE. What? Benny replied, You are NOT a Real Cleric...all this time....what is REALLY going on here? Well I am still a real priest. The Kings of Avon have traditionally been priests helping serve at ADAONs temple. Im calling you son --- because --- ughh --- because you are really my son --- I became the Emperors Chaplain to go into hiding and to seek the Emperors protection. Benny then asked, Well what about our people? Yes. I know son. Perhaps it wasnt the best thing to do to leave our loyal subject stranded without a ruler for all these years. I hope they can understand someday, I was doing it for the best interests of the kingdom. Also, having you sent away, like the advice Soren had given me at your birth was a smart thing to do, as it kept you safe from any harm. Going into hiding, has made our kingdom deteriorate even more, but has kept me safe from death itself. I think it is time to finally redeem ourselves in our subjects eyes. Time to take back our kingdom, and to see to the over-throw of our enemies. Soren stepped in, and jokingly said, does this mean you are coming with us to war? It most certainly does. Jean Paul said. But first, I must fetch my war horse. So Jean Paul in his regal attire, went and got his horse. He took his sword off his saddle, and also his shield. He now looked regal enough to go to war, and was convincing enough for the group that he was once and is again the King of Avon. Once Jean Paul was ready to ride, it was time for them to all ride on to the harbor and board the boats. Since they were all mounted as a cavalry unit, they had to take longer loading up the horses on the ships. It also took a while to load up the other equiment and the important provisions. It did not take long for them to cross the channel, and it was time for the lengthy unloading cycle. The troops dismounted first, and helped out with the unloading of the horses, and the other important and vital equipment. Once everything had been unloaded, Benny and his troop got organized, and they quickly formed up. They they began to march to the temple, and the battleground that surrouned it. Meanwhile, the BLACK MAGEs Lieutenants were growing ever fearfull of the approaching and stengthening men that had besieged them. Despite the surety and calmness of their leader, they urged a hasty attack to break up the siege. Its not quite the right time to attack, Claus said to his battlechiefs. When the time is ripe, then I will give the order to attack. The BLACK MAGEs battlechiefs would then sulk away, mumble under their breaths, and begin to think the odds were starting to go against them. But little did they or the Emperor and his allies knew that north of the temple and heading towards it appoached a sizeable army of barbarians. They had heard the summons and would help the Black MAGE even the odds. With them rode, the Black Falcon, who were still very much under the sway of the BLACK MAGE. As the Emperors troops became to breace for the newly apporaching enemy troops from the North, Bennys troop tried to join the forray, and really didnt have to get organized. As the Barbarians got closer, the BLACK MAGE decided the time was ripe to begin the next phase in his aggression against the Emperor, and his allies. Now is the time to strike. the BLACK MAGE said, First we will break their resolve. Strike the white army and direct the brunt of the atttack towards the King of Avon and the other troop in the Cavalry. SEND FORTH THE BLACK WURM. And he raised his magical staff up, and out of the ground, which seemed like it was coming out of nowhere, a hideous black dragon appeared, and flew off in the direction of Bennys troops. End of Part III |
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