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Ben Medinets / story2c |
Chapter #3: Day of Important Meetings Benny and Cletus arose at dawn. Benny went and woke up Vic. There was some dry cereal in the pantry, but no milk around, so the three of them only at the dry cereal plain, and then finished preparing for the days activities. Vic was to be at the city (Imperial) council sometime later that morning. Benny was to meet with the mayor (Emperor) bright and early that morning for a preliminary mission brief. Cletus would help Vic do final preparation, and then go to the market to stock up the nearly baren pantry. Vic thought that it had been a while since the last council meeting, because of the lack of provisions in the pantry. Either that, or his boss, Leon should think about hiring a housekeeper for this town house, especially in regards to keeping the pantry well stocked up. Benny left immediately, and headed straight for the palace. He came there with significant devices to allow him a more speedy entrance. He brought his spear (with his colors on it); the shield of his boss (Leon), which had been part of his outfit he had used the previous day to make a rather uneventful exit from his masters domain, the village of Wembly; what really proved his worth, however, was the silver breastplate he also wore. Even with these significant devices, the guards still comprehensively questioned him. He soon, however, was let into the palace, and was escorted immediately to see Malcolm, which would further brief him on his mission. As Benny entered the throne room, and approached Malcolm, he gave a low bow. Rise Brave Benny...I mean Benny Brave, The situation is grave. I guess the recent events were mainly responsible (possibly) in his disappearance. I was in negotiations with the MAGIC GUILD for a reverse in my decision to ban further recruiting for the last open seat in their group. It would give them vast power in the Empire. But that isnt the only reason...unusually high turnover, recent reports of terror on my innocent subjects, and there is even a dark rumor that one of their members summoned the spirit of an extremely evil wizard of old and let him possess his body. Like a sponge, Benny took in all the information Malcolm was telling him. I have nothing further to tell you. I am still quite certain that the MAGIC GUILD is somehow responsible for my sons disappearance, but at this point its still all speculation. For additional information, youd be wise to seek the council of my chief advisor, Soren. Unfortunately, youll have to wait until later on this evening as hell be busy with me and the council. Thats all. Good luck and Goodbye. Goodbye then, Benny said as he bowed low one more time, I will do my utmost to find your son. So Benny left the palace and made his way to the local pub, Shanghai Noon, for a bit of lunch to eat. He liked the service but didnt like the food all that well. He ordered an herbal tea and also got some fried rice with pieces of chicken in it. While he was eating a familiar face sat down in front of him. Dressed in black robes of a GUILDMAGE and holding a BLUE wand, was none other than Bennys old classmate, Tommy. But he somehow didnt look the way Benny remembered him but the appearance of the former BLUEMAGE, Maximus, who had died within the past year. All Benny could say was Wow. In just a matter of months, Tommy had matured and learned a lot about being a member of the GUILD. Across the table, Tommy was just as stunned. He couldnt believe Benny donned the uniform of a soldier, but not just any soldier, but Leon of Wemblys elite guards. The Shield with Leons crest, the spear with Bennys Colors on it, and the trade mark silver breast plate proved to Tommy that Benny wasnt just any soldier. WoW, said Tommy in response, I didnt think you were the soldiering type... by the looks of it, I guess I was clearly wrong. Yes. Ive been through quite a bit since we saw eachother last. I knew you had the gift (as in able to perform magic), but I didnt expect you already had the power to become the BLUE MAGE...but whats even creepier than that, is how closely you resemble the last BLUE MAGE. Tommy replied, Ive learned many things since I was recruited by Claus, the BLACK MAGE (and current leader of the GUILD). Most of my experiences were definitely good. Ive also seen some terrible stuf, so terrible that Ive been sworn to secrecy, even to you. I understand. Ive got some things that I cant really talk to you about either, replied Benny, but maybe there is something you can clear up for me. How is the guild handling the negotiations? Negotiations? asked Tommy, trying to figure out what Benny knew and was wondering where these questions were going to go, I really cant speak on behalf of the GUILD. The overall view is that we were quite upset at the ban, but were are trying to overcome it. OK. Well...thanks for now. Are you still going to be in town? asked Benny. Probably until the ban is lifted. We are going to be here for a few more days. Do you want to get-together again shortly? Asked Tommy. Sure that would be nice, answered Benny. They shook hands, paid their bills, and left to go on their separate ways. Benny found Cletus in the market. He helped Cletus with the provisions and they started going back to Leons townhouse. Did you hear the news? Cletus asked. No. What news? asked Benny back. It is said that the MAGIC GUILD broke the ban and got a new member that filled the RED MAGEs seat. Interesting. pondered Benny, Another piece of news to go over with Soren. As they returned to the royal townhouses. The Sergeant-of-the-Guard handed Benny a sealed parchment. Benny unsealed it, and read it over... It says that you are to accompany me to Sorens Abode tonight. It has great importance to the mission at hand. Signed by Soren, himself. So they put the food into the panty. Benny went to his room to think. As he ascended the stairs, he told Cletus he had quite a bit to tell him even from todays events. Click HERE to contintue SAGA |
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