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Ben Medinets / story2b |
Chapter 2: Meeting with Malcolm It wasnt long before Cletus was settled into Bennys Cottage. About Bennys Cottage, it wanst too fancy, but it was certainly more comfortable than in the barracks. Also, in Bennys Cottage, Cletus even had his own private bed chamber. One day as Cletus was helping guard on the roof of Leons Keep (called the Lions Den), and Benny was working in the corner in the Great Hall on Leons budget (and seeing what variances there were, and what the potential short-term outlook held for the upcoming year), when all of a sudden there was a blast from a trumpet. Not just any trumpet, but from the trumpet in Leons Keep. A blast from the trumpet meant something important was happening or about to happen. Benny wasnt all that surprised when it sounded, because all day Little John, his supervisor was making his rounds with a whole lot more haste than usual. Pic of Malcolm II: ![]() Cletus came down and told Benny that Malcolm II (the Mayor/Emperor) had come to visit Leon (the Reeve of Wembly). When Malcolm arrived, Leon personally greeted him at the gate, and both idly chit-chatted while walking up the path to the keep. Then the two entered the keep, and then went upstairs. Both were going to have a private conversation, and the rest of the attendants were asked to remain downstairs. Little John was standing guard by the door incase one of them needed something. After 15 to 20 minutes, Leon came out and asked for Benny to come up. John Standing Guard: ![]() Leon and Malcolm: ![]() Leon, Malcolm, and Benny: ![]() Benny was dispatched and went immediately up to see the king. Upon his arrival to his masters bedchamber, he bowed twice, once to his master, Leon, and a second time, even lower to Leons boss, Malcolm. I need you to go on an important mission not only for me, but also very important...nay I say, very dear to the Emperor here himself, Leon said frankly. I need you to go and find my son, William. He has completely disappeared, said Malcolm quietly, I didnt want to cause a stir throughout this glorious island chain as there would be complete chaos if my dear subjects found out he was indeed missing. As the situation is dire, you are to immediately follow the Emperor back to Brunswick, disguised, of course, as guards, Leon whispered, I will send Vic with you to make it look real - Vic will be my representative at the upcoming council. Good luck my boy. So as low key as he could be, Benny briefed Cletus. They changed into guard uniforms, then stopped into the armory to get the required weapons for the upcoming task, and then to the stable to dispatch two horses. After obtaining two horses from the stable, the two met up with Vic, their companion for the first part of their excursion. While Benny outranked Vic (Benny had equal status to a knight, while Vic was still ranked as a squire), Benny still saluted Vic (who was the Kings representative at the council, and would be made to look like Benny and Cletus supervisor). Vic saluted back and commanded, Ready to go, you filthy and vile pieces of dirt you call yourselves Guards? Yes Sire, Benny exclaimed. Good lets stay as close to Malcolm as we can, answered Vic. So they mounted their strong and swift steeds. Benny carried the Kings Colors on a lance that was fastened to his saddle on the horse, while Vic, himself rode on Leons own horse with the special barding that represented the King to show that this trip was on the Reeves (...err...Kings) official business. Picture showing Vic and his escort (Benny Brave & Cletus disguised as guards) ![]() Picture showing Vic and his escort (both guards reveal who they really are) ![]() They had managed to catch up with Malcolms host but had kept back so as to not draw too much attention upon themselves, especially while still in the vacinity of Wembly. While not gone unnoticed, they made it to the Imperial Seat of Government. Instead of staying at the Imperial Palace, they went to the Royal Townhouses at Brunswick Court. There were the townhouses where all the reeves would stay while in council. Vic, Benny, and Cletus would stay in Leons own townhouse. Tired from the days events and from the journey, they settled in for the night. Click HERE to continue SAGA |
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