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 Kevin Wilson / towncomp / 2002 / bridge

N Bridges

OVERALL CONTEST FIRST PRIZE: a $50 gift certificate from Lions Gate Models
OVERALL CONTEST SECOND PRIZE: a $40 credit at Milton Train Works

N001 Truss bridge Ross Crawford
A small truss bridge.

N002 Cable-stayed bridge Ross Crawford
A small cable-stayed bridge, based loosely on the Batman bridge near Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.

N003 Arch suspension bridge Ross Crawford
Arch bridge I designed when I was a kid.

N004 Curved Bridge Paul Goodwin
Curved bridge modelled loosely after Roman aqueducts. It took more than 15 packs of the bulk hinges and couplings to have enough hinges.

N005 Deck Truss Paul Goodwin
A 2-span deck truss built from the ground up.

N006 Railroad Bridge T. J. Avery
A 2-span truss bridge, with approaches, for trains.
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