Library Scenes

| | These are a couple of little scenes from the library where I work as a circulation assistant.
The first scene is something I put together to decorate my desk. It depicts me and a coworker at the circulation desk, processing the daily delivery.
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| | The trick with this one was getting the angle of the wings right. After several attmempts, I settled on wedge plates to produce the desired angle.
Some details, such as the scanners and desensitizers, were lost due to compression, but I did manage to include the cash register and the flat-screen monitors.
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| | The second scene was built as a tribute to our hard-working page, who does all the shelving at the branch.
The shelves are big white metal units with wood endcaps - those are the brown tiles facing outwards.
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| | This little cart took me about three hours to come up with, but Im very proud of the way it turned out.
The key pieces are the new 1x2/2x2 brackets, turned 90 degrees. A really neat Clikits piece was used to make the stud-to-stud connection between the cart and the floor.
Id like to do some more library scenes in the future - theres still the info desk to do, at the very least.
Thanks to Bruce Hietbrink and Lenny Hoffman for their inspiring library scenes!
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