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 Vince Hagar /

Good day (night, afternoon, whatever) to you. Welcome to my LUGNET page. This link is my profile.

I shall be working on this periodically as I figure out how best to utilize this space. I am looking to start taking pictures of some of my creations and setting up a Brickshelf gallery for them.

As I mention in my profile, Space and Castle tend to be my favorite themes in the way of official kits, but most of my own creations fall into the space theme. I have the beginnings of my own little corner of space under the name of the Drakken Federation. Notes on history, technologies and equipment will be put up here and on MOCPages as time and inclination allows. I have no similar idea for my castle realm, at the moment, but will post info on it if/when it becomes substantial enough to warrant its own space.

Play well.
Primary content in this document is © Vince Hagar. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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