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 Steve Mitchell / projects / 02-08-2002

New Plans

Today Mayor Eastwood launched plans to build the town of Eagleville around the old castle, which is named “Castle of the Eagle”, the foundation stone will be laid in front of the castle

In the press release it also described a book shop to located next to the castle. It is believed that there 2 resons behind this decision.
1. It will provide visitors the chance to buy books on the castle, bringing much needed commerce to the new town
2. Mayor Eastwood is well known for his love of books and is often seen reading on his bench.
It is believed that a park will soon follow nearby.
An artists impression of the planned shop and castle has also been released

Today pictures of Eagleville’s first Police and Fire Stations were released
Mayor Eastwood thought the new buildings were a throw back to the classic design period the the early 1980’s, but went on to display how the police and firefighters would use modern equipment and techniques

Today the 2 chiefs of the Police and Fire services were named. The man to head the Police Service is “Chief Callaghan” and the Fire Service boss will be “Chief McQueen” - pictures of these 2 experienced leaders will be released shortly

   Castle of the Eagle
Fire Station
Police Station
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