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 Matt Hein / Fantasy / Conscripted

Chapter Six, Revelations and City, Part Two

[Anachronistic_Skies] Editing attempt v- 1.2

Chapter Six, Part Two Ramifications of veracity, reality.

Act one

Even as the stinging wind continued to transgress, ruffling about the foliage and reeds, as well as the swordsman’s hair, he could not help but wonder if his party had indeed taken an erroneous turn from the divide between the streams and fields of the countryside, away from the forest they had departed a day to their previous. And yet, in contrast to the calm, the paltry amber fields of wild grass, which bathed in the sunlight of the countryside’s openness, this region seemed to him, foreign, unforgiving in a sense…By now, Dash had realized that it was not uncommon for the sensation of scales from aqueous creatures to slither by his feet with a potentially lethal caress, although Kimiahn’s dismissal of it as a threat somewhat calmed him.

But Kimiahn had a penchant for reciting some of the history of the area, as she pointed out several marks of familiarity which she had seemingly crossed during her travels as messenger. Striding with utmost caution through the waist deep water, its surface abstruse from both the conspicuous mist and floating debris, only the trunks of the spiring trees and clumps of thistle and thickly spread reeds could be spied to far off into the distance, where the fields seemed to merge into the plains once again. The coal and rocky soil of the occasional islands of the marsh seemed cold and uninhabitable, most of the vicinage was lined in thick clusters of thorny bushes and some jutting rocks which pierced the soil like the tips of spears. Although seeming devoid of life, the shadows of scavenging birds could be spotted, as Kimiahn pointed to the massive avian creatures flying overhead, their talons drawn and ready as they cawed with cries of alarm.

“Nocturne avians…sentinels of the marsh…in form and spirit, graceful, but with intent, malicious. They seem increasingly common in nature these days, and elders consider them of attributing luck, although I wouldn’t say their presence honors me…”

She spoke, slinging the bow over her back, examining her satchel, as Argent spoke.

“The marshes of Cawdor…such an unforgiving and hostile scorn of Albatross…the prudent would eschew such territory.”

As Dash stopped abruptly at the sight of what seemed to be a another clump of reeds, he motioned for his entourage to quell their advance, stopping short of sudden change of depth.

“This region…it…doesn’t seem organic, neither natural in a sense…” thought…” Dash spoke, the cries of birds echoing into the obstructed distance.

“I believe this was a result of the war…not the great war, mind you…I believe conflict between the Kai Ne’Hr sect and the descendents of the skies left this region, once a prosperous lake and trade route, in ruins.”

He spoke, as he leaned against one of the jutting rocks of the island, taking a sip of some tonic to calm his spirits, as Argent adjusted his shades, scowling at the sight of the fog.

“Another conflict has beset us… that being between prudent navigation and misdirection! Perhaps I should take the reins of leadership hereon, Kimiahn…our movement is erratic and stalled…”

“I cannot see your point, Argent…Scorpio chose the path of the lowered ground to eschew mountainous territory further north. We are ill equipped to handle crevices and escarpments…you say we would save resources and time by taking that venue?” She asked, procuring from her satchel a small mechanical device that resembled a small optical scope on a tripod. Adjusting the device and gauging it, she smiled with satisfaction, as she read the measurement on a curved metal protractor to its side.

“One half secta…that’s about a kilometer or so…you should quell your bickering, Argent…”

“Interesting…where did you procure such a device? It’s primitive in mechanics, but ingenious nonetheless…” Dash remarked, as Kimiahn handed it to him.

“This device is an optical gauge, supportable by tripod…the device operates by measuring the settings of the lenses, and when the view of my destination comes into clarity as though I’m standing a meter away, I can use those settings to gauge the displacement from my position to the point in question. Interesting, eh?”

She asked with a smile as Dash examined the device thoroughly, attempting to read some of the runic markings to the side, although a few of them made sense. Looking off into the distance and testing it for himself, Scorpio made a marking on his parchment map, Argent commenting.

“So, the allegations that you possess illegal technology possess veracity…interesting by all means…”

“I recall general Ignacius making a similar snide remark to you… about your dabbling in machines…’sorcery’ he labeled it…would you care to clarify his statement?” She asked, as Argent looked upon her darkly, speaking.

“Just like you, I had dabbled with technology during my earlier years amongst the ranks of the conciliate…and my experimentation with such devices led me to the venue of dishonor and animosity on my part…upon conviction at a military trial, I was nearly sentenced to termination, saved only by a vote from my superiors for expatriation…”

“And whom, might I ask, vouched for your welfare?” Dash asked, with apparent interest.

“Rinehart stood out amongst his compatriots of the FIN to request my preservation in favour of a more diverse council…but in the process, he was shot down by the opposition.” Argent replied, as Kimiahn looked towards the sporadic and shadowy depths of the fog below her, adjusting her equipment.

“You’re not casting Rinehart in a saintly light compared to Ludan, are you? If I recall correctly, Ludan rushed to my defense, even though our alleged crimes were in stark similarity. Even though it was plainly obvious that I had breached the faith of the conciliate…”

“Hah! Compared to myself, your occupation was menial in nature…did his administration have much to gain from your exile? Of course not…”

“You’re glancing at the situation with blind eyes, Argent! I held an equally high profile position with the FIN monitoring operations in LaGuardia…and for your information, I’m sure Ludan had much to gain from my expatriation for such a breach…but did he capitalize on it? Of course not! Now, Argent, I ask you to justify that…”

“Simple…the conniving fox, Ludan, waits for opportunity, like his quarry, to leap from the political brush before making his terminative move. Since you were subservient to the Conciliate, meek in nature…”

“I beg your pardon?! You say I’m ‘meek’ in nature?”

“Of course…you remain meek until penned into the corner like the tiger. I’ve read about you, Kimiahn…a lot, actually…you have a tendency to cling to your beliefs without considering the other side for its veracity.”

“And I don’t see you considering the Kai Ne’Hr as a faith, even though you’re Christian! Does any political or religious organization that fails to serve or reassure your interests another ‘corrupt autocracy’, an ‘oligarchy of animosity’ or ’ineffectual’ to yourself? What if I told you Akael Me’Han is the lord? What would you say about Ti’Ahmat or the winged serpent Kil’anhe?!”

“Then I would tell your convictions are absolute nonsense! I would castigate you for y our conviction in a false faith, and your belligerence to consider Jesus, lord upon all false and scaly idolatry, to be foreign! But of course, hopefully, you’re not ignorant enough to believe such nonsense. Leave false worship to the heretics, the pagans, the infidels…they are blinded by their acrimonious incenses and rituals of frivolity.”

“And you claim to be open minded, a laureate, an intellectual? Doesn’t the code of the intellectual call to be open minded on all issues, and here you stand, your eyes closed to the opposing side, struck blind by your arrogance and narrow minded religious convictions! And whom is this ‘Jesus’ you speak of? How can you consider him lord of all lords, superior to my gods? Why such a policy of ignorance? I’m thoroughly disappointed in you, Argent…for once in your…”

“Look! We’ve gone over this before, Kimiahn, Argent! Religion is like a serpent. You believe you’ve killed the damn snake, but upon stepping on it once again, it lunges and spews its venom into your ankle, spreading little other than resent. Let us part our differences for once and…” Scorpio interrupted, as Kimiahn and Argent turned towards him, a hint of silence about the air, save for the avians, ruffling their wings about overhead.

“I would say this is all said and done…” He concluded, as Dash looked off towards the distance, towards a precipice amongst the reeds. “Dash? You’ve barely spoken ever since you collapsed amongst the reeds earlier? Are you preoccupied in thought? Or…are you ‘reflecting’ again?” Kimiahn asked, as Dash cast a glance towards her, his eyes dark, concealing.

“Heh… you neglected to explain that prior episode in its entirety…I’d like an explanation…” Argent asked, eyeing the swordsman oddly.

“No…I was carried about the spiritual rift to the city of Lucaria…”

“You’re not hallucinating by any chance, are you? And insect bite, perhaps? I recall from several studies that marsh arachnids can inject venoms with perception altering agents, some particularly fatal.”

“Please reconsider, Kimiahn…when I told you of my birthplace being the holy city, you held fidelity to believe me, of all people. Can you consider the truth?”

“Even considering, how could that be inherently possible? The entire time you were with us we could hear you remarking about the environment and proposing theories on our next line of actions, even taking leadership of the party for a portion! How you could be in two places at one time consciously, I…just cannot fathom this’s not naturally possible.” Kimiahn exclaimed, as she attempted to find some viable explanation, only for Dash to reason.

“Perhaps…whilst I had spiritually traversed to Lucaria, my physical existence was situated on this plane? Standing across from my father aboard the transit, he spoke of epitaphs, spiritual gates of some sort…perhaps I had peered through one of them subconsciously, one eye transfixed on reality, the other diverted…”

“What? You’re meaning to say you perceived through two consciousnesses? And this Ludandrian, your father…is he still alive?”

“Spiritually, yes, but physically, no…as a human, he had died two thousand years ago, shot to death by political opponents…prior to this vision, I had never met him personally… and about two consciousnesses, I recall our conversation earlier in the field about the Ahrikari, but I did not remember it in a pictorial sense.”

“Wait a minute…this is making little sense. If you could clarify…”

“Perhaps I should say there are some forms of intelligence men would never seemingly ‘comprehend’, as my father spoke during my spiritual furlough. He made several rants about restricted and foreign intellect, studies and theories which the mainstream population shouldn’t assimilate. It was comprised of Curators…Prism…OS…Seeds…the truth of Antipodes and information on the genetic spectrum.. What my father meant by comprehend eluded me, but in the process of realizing his statements, I felt a sudden surge of intelligence, or realization flow throughout my blood, my body, my mind...I’m not exactly sure what it it, yet it feels so innate, as though I knew it from birthright…”

“Prism? You mean the Kai Ne’Hr’s codex, its core of beliefs?”

“No…Prism was an efferent and directing force…”


“As in…commands our actions, our existence…nature’s operational code…”

“I really don’t want to delve into this…Dash…perhaps…” She spoke, as Argent interrupted.

“The wielding of such knowledge could prove useful, lethal, if manipulated by one conniving...You saw the swordsman transform after being impaled at Faiye! Imagine the power of that extent utilized as a military means! In one swift fell, a small militia was desecrated in his halo of radiance…you don’t believe Ludan was caught into awe by the demonstration of such power”

“Argent...I cannot control of dictate the execution of such power, much less recall it. And in fact, the energy exerted from such a discharge nearly killed me. Whenever it sets in, I feel faint, thus losing touch with reality, with consciousness. I doubt anyone could wield it…like a gun, it’s capable of backfiring...”

“I believe Ludan was caught more in fear than awe, Argent...look...” She spoke, as Dash motioned towards the distance, an analytical look about his eyes.

“I sense something...odd...resonate...about the air.”

“It’s probably just the an area as barren as this, the gusts howl like wolves. There’s nothing here...” Argent spoke as he sloshed through some of the oily water, wading into its depths.

“We have no cause for alarm besides common vigilance... forget about escarpments and red flags...our only concern is the marine life, and it seems passive at best.”

“We might as well depart. There’s nothing for us here.”

Scorpio spoke, assenting as he followed Argent into the depths.

As Kimiahn stepped to his Side, Dash stood up and faced her, running his hand through his hair, motioning towards the bleak distance.

“Kimiahn...we’re going to traverse to the escarpments. I’m not going to harness care to Argent’s warnings... as far as he’s concerned, it doesn’t matter.”

“What’s bothering you? What did you perceive?”

“It seems to be a shorter venue...from what I can see. Kimiahn, this marsh seems to be giving off some sort of unnatural resonance, although so faint. We should leave immediately.”

“Of course, at your command, Sir Dash.”

“I’d rather you not address me as ‘sir’. I have a disliking to formalities...” He spoke, following the others into the depths, leaving Kimiahn to proceed.

“Dash! Perhaps I should listen to him...”

Chapter Six, Part Two, Act Two

The reddened sky over the city seemed scattered with sporadic clouds, and the landscape arranged in hues of early burgundy, vermillion and gold signaled the approach of autumn, seasonal change even evident in the chill about the winds and paltry fields.

Ever modest, yet open in contrast to Faiye, Allercus seemed to be a beacon of the region, free, yet astute. aside from activity directed towards the autumn harvest, the ill-repaired cobblestone streets bustled with dealings as its central park and town square seemed serene.

Reclining against one of the evergreen trees, a parliament diplomat on leave, dressed in casual wear and mended burlap looked up from studies to see a flick of winged fire appear from the sky, his glasses glinting from its radiance. Looking up from his reading in surprise and procuring a small telescopic lens from his side pocket, he stepped atop a vantage hill, training his view on the foreign object, scanning it, as two older citizens, a man and a woman appeared from the park to join him.

“You see anything? I pray it’s not a threat.”

“It seems far off into the distance…sir, what do you see?”

“It’s a dragon, I believe, albeit unmarked. Quite possibly it’s an envoy from our war stricken neighbors to the south. They appear to be high ranking, judging from their robes…”

The parliamentary member spoke to them, handing the lady his scope.

“Oh, goodness...I haven’t seen a dragon for years...ever since gallant Rinehart took off three decades ago on the back of a dragon after his assembly...I could swear he was radiant like the sun...”

“I often find myself reminiscing to those peaceful days...but now, why has conflict erupted to our southern neighbors? I wish the theocrats would just enjoy the simple truths of honest work for profit, to recline, sip tea and read the daily paper...that’s all I ask for in life...I don’t care about ‘god’ or the interpretations...” The older man spoke as he looked into the scope as well, only to see the dragon land amongst the palace grounds, as a formal exchange between several officers and the foreign party could be perceived.

“By lord, they seem to be Feyrians, officers of fine rank at that…”

“Ah, a fine people they are…but they seem far too industrious for my tastes...and of course, their wealth constitutes the monetary spoils of the infamous Gariland wars, the taking of southern Faiye from its rightful occupants.”

“Wait a moment…” The delegate spoke, as he beckoned both citizens closer, adjusting his lens with tenacity.

“Those riders possess familiarity…but…they can’t be…”

“To whom do they bear resemblance?” The older lady asked.

“President Ludan Arthur Lockeheed…and his niece, Skye Rinehart…I never would have anticipated this…weren’t they reported casualties of the conflict?”

“Ludan? Lady Skye? Young man, give me that scope! I want a glance!” The woman demanded, as the delegate produced the scope. Upon affirmation of his statements, a smile spread across her face, as she spoke.

“Ah…praise be to Akael for their safe return from such a conflicted region…but where hence is the young man that was supposed to accompany them?”

“You mean the swordsman? The Akai?” The older man remarked, as the lady replied.

“I wanted to see him…to confirm the rumors…I heard his hair is like feathers of autumn and fire…his eyes like a hawk, penetrating, commanding…”

“Your acquaintances always twist the truth about…several of my compatriots spoke of him as a steely and maverick figure, one whom owes allegiance only to life, to love…”

“Well, to avoid any more rumors, I’d rather you both exercise fidelity in keeping this shrouded in secrecy…I’m sure the imperial court has express wishes to avoid any controversy…I’d like a promise to that…”

“Ah, now, such intelligence will raise the spirits of our countrymen!” “However, it may raise false spirits, as the information they carry may be of acrimony and despair…I implore to you to keep this to yourselves…citizen’s honor?”

It had seemed as though only moments upon landing, she and Ludan had been whisked away from the courts by a hastily led entourage of attending soldiers, through the imperial office, which seemed modest at best, compared to that of Faiye. A hushed tone fallen upon the room, save for the songs of the remaining birds and the slight howl of the wind from the thickly paned windows to the rooms side, and Skye’s footsteps on the polished and wooden floor, as she walked about.

As a weary Ludan took a seat amongst the leather tacked chairs of the chancellor’s private office, the Sensei’s daughter gazed about the furnished wealth displayed about the room, glinting in an imperialistic glory. The polished mahogany walls seemed finely decorated with tapestries and collections of ivory carvings, exotic weapons, paintings of the countryside and the occasional oil lamp. Through the latticed windows, she could see the fiery shades of plant life scattered about the ornate fields, and the general sense of openness to the public that her homeland seemed to lack in its entirety. Stepping aside and examining the contents of the china cabinets to her rear, Skye was startled to see a reflection move through the glass, only turning to see a courtly dressed lady approach, as she opened the carved door, attended by two officers.

She seemed modestly aged, perchance in her forties, oddly enough dressed in complete military attire. Standing there, wearing a pair of ironed breeches, leather combat boots, a pinned sash across her breast line and a military cap, she stood rigid and disciplined, eyeing Ludan straightforward, giving him a salute and bowing forth to him.

“Greetings mister president, dame Skye…”

As they returned their formalities, Ludan initiated a conversation as though on cue.

“Ke’ran Belfast Williams! It’s a pleasure! However, let us not reminisce…I surmise you calculate as to the reason of our appearance on such short notice, chancellor…”

“You have no need to explain, Ludan, for I can understand your predicament…you come to us seeking a means of shelter, protection from the tyrant and his vindictive policy.”

“Precisely…I see you’ve been briefed already by your counsel.”

“Of course…two days ago we convened to discuss the escalating conflict between yourself and Jade, and pending circumstances, anticipated a war…but we never thought it would result in the favor of the enemy...the city fell so quickly…”

For a second, silence seemed to permeate the room, even as Skye could swear the Singing of the birds died out temporarily, both attending officers eyeing him for an answer. The steely eyes of Ke’Ran anticipating, the interval was broken all at once.

“Jade…emerged…prevalent? How, must I ask, is this possible!!! I…could never fathom losing such a beautiful and pure city…my birthplace, my haven!” He spoke as he closed his eyes in despair, turning away from her for a moment, his face tense.

“No! This statement cannot possess veracity! It…was a simple miscalculation, a breach, if you will! Such intelligence must have been relayed by erroneous means!”

“Ludan…as a friend and acquaintance, I would not place fidelity in erroneous intelligence. Records and personal accounts provide us pressing proof that the city fell within a time frame of twenty eight hours of infighting.”

Ke’Ran spoke sternly and unwavering, as Ludan continued his denial.

“For my entire, life, I dedicated myself to learning the codes of nobility, to adopt a fair, a reasonable, yet stern leadership over my people…thirty years of endless work, thirty years of boundless bureaucracy…to be eradicated so evenly?! Such prospects are ludicrous…”

“Perhaps…uncle, it was meant to be…a nudge of fate…”

“That’s what Rinehart would have said!!! You belligerent little…”

With such a harsh insult upon her, Skye nearly stepped back into a chair in fear, only to eye him in fear, although she tried to reaffirm herself of his past benevolence towards her. But…something seemed wrong…Ludan normally acted independent, level headed and reserved, a man whom had no harbor to surprise, to fear. Oddly enough, she could already perceive the tenseness of his facial muscles and the twitching of his eyes as he struggled to come to grips with reality. Beyond those steel eyes lie something foreign, something she had not realized earlier…love perhaps, or fervor of a sort?

Nonetheless, Skye received her assurance, as Ludan once again expressed articulate thought, regaining his composure and will after a momentary hiatus.

“Skye…I…would like apologize for such a spontaneous outburst…I’m just…torn at the heart at the loss of my city…” He spoke, facing away from both her and Ke’Ran.

“The serpent’s venom struck me earlier, and now its effects burn poison of grief into my heart. A man such as myself, weighted with such age, with burden of responsibility, with integrity pending every moment of the day from the rising to the setting of the sweltering sun, can only be propped, supported upon by his friends, and his personal rock, the city…”

He spoke, as he knelt the ground, his eyes reddened with aroused fury.

“Faiye has failed…acquaintances have fallen…my supports grow tenuous, their timber of longevity commencing to split about the shock of loss, weakened from the rot of treason and the scorches, the scorns of foreign insurgency.”

“You’re overexerting yourself, mister president…why grieve for that which is lost when you should receive felicitation for surviving such an ordeal. Stand, bereave yourself of such nonsense! You’re a soldier, a warrior and a leader! So you failed to emerge prevalent! So what? Warriors, when stricken, pull themselves from the thorns and grit of the battlefield to live another day, to lead their people! If you truly want my aid, you must realize that! If you truly want to lead a people, you must embrace such a truth! Now pick yourself up and wipe away your sweat.”

She spoke, handing Ludan a small handkerchief from the table as the president wiped his face, standing.

“You’re right, Ke’Ran...such a rudimentary value I overlooked…but that serves little to amend this situation…the city is still under foreign command…”

“Under administration of Jade Maxwell Norbert…he’s taken a rather celebrity status amongst the Feyrians as of late…it’s almost as though they welcome him as a liberator, according to certain sources whom I shan’t name.”

“Tell me more…I demand further information…” He asked, as Skye gasped at the sight of blood dripping from a puncture wound in his overcoat, Ke’Ran remarking.

“President, you’re bleeding…”

“Look, Ke’Ran Belfast, I’ll brave this through like every other wound I’ve taken…It’s not a call for alarm, so please get back to your statements…”

“The threat of death serves little to waver your conscience, but the thought of losing a city stirs great emotion…it’s a strength rarely exhibited, I must say…”

“Enough with the adulation, please, Belfast…I want a discussion…”

“Of course…I was speaking of the city, Faiye. Approximately forty hours ago the city fell to Jade’s revolutionary forces, whom raised the flag of the serpent shortly thereafter, upon the spires of your palace, according to sources. Some of the authorities from the Dragonian Provincial Republic suggest that the fall of the city arose from several factors including a massive Intelligence failure on fault of the FIN and internal revolt, led by Reed Cimarron, which involved lower and middle class citizens. Upon incitation of riot, then were purported to have subsequently burned a government propaganda office and overtook a commissary. In fact, many of the soldiers whom had claimed loyalty to you dissented, joining with the common citizen, apparently instilled with fervor from their lack of wages. Many whom claimed loyalty to you, senators such as Sergei, conspired against you the entire time…”

“My…Akael…the situation could not truly spread to this extent…”

“Ludan, all of this information has been revealed to be veracious, confirmed by ex-FIN agents now employed within our investigative wing. Several probes commenced have shown a small amount of loyalists to your cause, but many of them have been either arrested, convicted or executed, including your lead General, Frederik Poyle…”

“Poyle? Dead? What about C.W Beaumont or Professor Aston?”

“I was never notified of their status, but I surmise they’re dead as well…Ludan, I urge you not to rush any of this, as in fact many of our agents are still in the process of collecting intelligence. And sadly, the only dependable venue as of now is by carrier pigeon, which can take days…”

“Lack of information breeds uncertainty, Ke’Ran…are you certain you’re operating at full efficiency?”

“Ludan, look…I invite you to investigate our intelligence wing any time you wish, and I am open to your opinions, but your badgering will not prove as a solution. Intelligence gathering an extraordinarily delicate process, and it cannot be hastened, only to do so placing unnecessary stress on our agents, which equates to a heightened potential for failure.”

“And you call this progress? You have forty eight hours and still a serious lack of information!”

“You should appreciate the resources we currently possess, Mister President, and I urge you to relax. Besides, I have a great deal of affairs to deal with at the moment, and there probably will not be an intelligence surge for about a week, maybe five days at the least…”

“A week?! My god, in such a short time frame a modestly sized militia could traverse across southern Albatross! You’re seriously…underestimating…the…situation…I!” Ludan spoke, as he grew short of breath, a sense of confliction and labor about his voice. Seemingly struggling to retain his posture, he swaggered forth, dropping to his knees, as one hand gripped his torso, the other clawing at the ground.

“Ludan?!” Ke’Ran asked, as both attending officers and Skye ran to him, only for himself to sneer, yelling at them.

“Away! Cease…this aid…immediately! I cannot fathom…”

“Uncle, save your breath!”

“Both of you, summon a medic promptly!” She yelled succinctly as both attending officers fled into the corridors, their footsteps fading, Ke’Ran following, leaving both of them alone.

As Ludan gritted his teeth, his eyes now bloodshot, he almost seemed to laugh, lying there in a pool of blood about him, aroused in a state of delusion as Ke’Ran stodd overhead him, Skye knelt to his side.

“Ludan! Hold on! She summoned a medic! Ludan?!”

“Skye…there’s something…I never told you…” He spoke, now laughing hysterically as he coughed in pain.

“I…cannot fathom the such a life…one we wasted…”

“What? Come hence, of which you speak?”

“Remember when we were kids, when you ventured…towards the Sum’mit…we were… both reprimanded by our mentors for failing to adhere to the religious code, the laws…”

“Ludan? “

“We…were comrades…I remember…so…vividly now…where in Akael’s name did I turn wrongly? Why did I harbor animosity, allow my eyes to be diverted! Brother Rinehart! How’s your daughter now? Is she? She’s eleven now, is she not? Yes, yes, I do remember seeing her the other day frolicking amongst the meadows...”

“Ludan! I stand here before you! I implore you, open your eyes to reality!” She demanded to him as Ludan continued his senseless ramblings, laughing, unreceptive to her calls.

“…my political gains, you ask? Ah, you’re a conniving fox! Yes, it’s your move…the chessman on the eighth…I…”

“Please…answer me…” She sobbed.

“What? You say? Ah, yes, my son…yes. He is so well groomed…Jade I believe his name is…no…I sent him to the academy in LaGuardia…no, he was illegitimate…the offspring of…”

“What?!” Skye asked, as the sound of frantic footsteps could be heard approaching, only for her to turn he head to see a both officers, a medic and Ke’Ran approach, surrounded by several field specialists and a professor.

The president now sprawled upon the floor, a pool of blood forming about his overcoat, Skye stood there, speechless, motionless, as though she felt faint. Swaggering there for just a moment, the sound of frantic cries for help summoned her back into the bloody claws of reality, as a medic motioned for her to clear the area, administering a preliminary check to him.

“It seems to be a reaction of some sort, pent up from days of maltreatment…he’s still breathing, though…”

“Oh, dear Akael…” Skye muttered, as she knelt to the ground, her eyes eerily calm, whether in reaction to his delusional statements or depressive state of health was not known…

Chapter Six, Part Two, Act Three

“Dash…we’ve been going at this for quite some time…” Kimiahn remarked, as the entourage continues to wade through the oily marsh, stopping their advances only at predetermined intervals to rest amongst the reeds.

Even at the break of dawn, the moon of the prior and unremarkable evening merely a memory fading into the paltry and dithered skies overhead, the environs seemed continually lifeless, save for the rolling of mist as it divided amongst the rocky and jagged surface of connecting streams and the rustling of the reeds as a low wind continued to howl about. Even as argent continued to grow ever petulant at such a venture, Scorpio depressed, and Kimiahn weary, Dash attempted to retain his composure and morale, only for Argent to launch on another discursive speech, although elaborate.

“Why, I ask, did we embark on such a pointless endeavor through such an unforgiving terrain? I’ll state it once again, it would have been most prudent to take the heightened ground, so as to preserve our sanity.”

“Argent, step back for once and consider the proximity to our destination…” Kimiahn remarked, as she checked her leather satchel of arrows slung over her shoulder, the rattling of its bolts evident.

“And as soon as we hit dry land, you can expect a multitude of wild beasts…and for that reason, I thank our decision to venture the low ground.”

“I believe taking the mountainous venue would have resulted in a shorter period of travel and heightened spirits. Look at Scorpio, mind you…the damn lad has seems morose…if we had pursued a quicker route, we wouldn’t be encompassed in such a situation.”

As Dash looked to his rear, Scorpio sauntered behind them, weighted down with satchels of potions and supplies, but his face seemed oddly dark, but upon looking towards them, he cast them a cheerful and reassuring glance. The blue streaks running through his hair, they seemed to cast a sort of eminence about him, a freedom, perhaps…whatever the cause Dash remained behind as Kimiahn followed suit, and finally Argent.

“Scorpio? What seems to be the matter? You’re not as jubilant as usual…” Kimiahn remarked.

“Nonsense, Kimiahn…it’s nothing, nothing at all…” He spoke as he cast them a labored smile, albeit Dash surmised it was false. He had been known to be evasive, but something seemed wrong… nonetheless, Dash decided to ignore it, and as soon as Scorpio caught up, continued on.

“He’s probably depressed…hell, we’re all reaching the limits of our sanity now…” He thought to himself, as Kimiahn and Scorpio approached him.

“Dash…are you okay? I mean, you’ve been acting rather edgy for the last day…are you sure you’re not wounded?” She asked, as Dash once again felt the lethal caress of scales slip across his legs, then fade.

“Of course, Kimiahm, but you shouldn’t mind my brooding nature…I’ve just been overwhelmed lately with an odd sense of trepidation…something doesn’t seem right.” He spoke, as once again, progressing forward, only for something to snag at him from the misty depths.

Pulling himself from such a confine, the snag began to intertwine about him, twisting and coiling about his legs, as with a sudden slip, he was pulled underneath the depths, only for Kimiahn to shriek in alarm, Scorpio looking at the puddle in disbelief, and Argent gawking at the sight of it.

“Oh my…” Kimiahn started, all at once gripped in paralyzing fear, as with a sudden lashing, a tentacle rocketed from the mists, throwing to the depths, the swordsman from its coils, as he landed to the water with a splash, only to recover, stunned and drenched in the oily water. His hair now stringy and eyes reddened, the swordsman tugged at his sheath, procuring the shattered sword as the coiling creature remained idle, hovering like that of a serpent, as though contemplating its next move.

“What the hell is it?!” Argent shouted to the swordsman, as the creature coiled about once again, circling them. On scale, it seemed about the size of a modest anaconda, but arranged in an elaborate display of razor like scales, a pair of thickly spread wings, like webs, and what appeared to be a beak at its front, accentuated by its set of two red, pulsating eyes. The claws of such a creature curled like a set of knives, and its fork like tongue hissing from its fangs, like pronged needles, Kimiahn gasped, recalling its identity.

“It’s…a Mingard, Gariland codex… …they’re aqueous serpents…”

She shouted, as the creature lunged forth at them in a perfect coiled arc, only for Kimiahn to dive out of its path, drawing and loading her bow. Descending into the depths with a small pool, the creature once again coiled, striking Scorpio into the water with a loud splash. Pinned underneath its surface, the creature pecking at his torso, he plunged his dagger into the soft of its neck, sending a plume of blood at him and its barrage of wrath, as the creature snapped at him with its fangs, but failing, caught in the spiral of pain as it slithered ever upwards to the light of the surface.

Rather stunned, but unwounded, Scorpio grasped towards surface, but defying the weight of his equipment, managed to catch a gasp of air and a sight of Kimiahn firing several bolts at the torso of the serpent, the line of blood not purely evident amongst its neck as it ran amongst its scales and wings. A few connecting, they seemed only to enrage the creature, as it swung its claws at Argent’s face with definite fury, only to be intercepted by his blade and a metallic resonance, throwing him backwards, but with a quick recovery.

As both Kimiahn and Dash rushed to Argent’s aid, the serpent dove underneath the surface with stealth once again, leaving an odd, but short lived silence, interrupted by several coils grasping against Dash’s torso as he was thrown backwards, with a quick motion to escape, impaled through the arm by the beak of the creature, the acrid taste of venom, like fire, running amongst the course of his veins, like a thousand searing needles driving into his skin, clouding his eyes in tears of pain.

With one swift fell, lashing at both Argent and Kimiahn as they were knocked backwards with a sense of great force, Dash found himself pinned between the reeds of a small island, and the gaping fangs of the creature, its pulsating red eyes now glowing amongst the dawn sky. Its forked tongue lashing at him, striking his face, then with an eerie caress licking his upper torso in anticipation of devouring him, the creature arched back menacingly, blinking once. Then, without warning, it drove straight at him with unwavering tenacity, as soon as nearing his face with its fangs now extended, the beads of venom now irridescent against the pale light, thrusting the tip of his shattered blade into its throat with a spray of blood, and the life frozen upon its eyes, he could hear the resonance of percussion, a bursting report, then a screeching pulse as with little warning, the creature keeled over to the side, coiled, and then, screeching in a hiss of agony, of death, splashed into the depths.

Managing somehow to garner the strength to stand amongst the mist, Dash procured his bloodied sword from aside him, placing it inside his sheath. Already, it seemed the venom has taken quite a toll, burning a gaping wound into his arm, some of the flesh blackened as though scorched, incinerated. A radius of grey forming around it, and the continual pain, as though a thousand thorns were lashing into him spreading throughout his body, Kimiahn and Argent glanced, but spoke not a word to him. Even Scorpio, shaken and stunned, remained silent, for only the howling wind permeated such a forbidding place. And hence, they continued towards the escarpments, Dash leading the formation, his movement stalled, and labored.

By the time they had progressed from the jutting and unforgiving shoreline of the swamp, and across the barren and rocky fields, Kimiahn had noticed that Dash grew visibly petulant and agonized in pain, his usually fiery eyes darkened, the reflection of which seemed to be cold, like dampened ash. His arm now clasped across his chest, the other gripping the hilt of his caliber, she attempted to comfort him, only for him to motion for her to step aside.

The faces weathered, battered from the stinging and chilling gusts of the heightened lands adjacent the sea to the distance, they pressed onwards amongst the jutting and unstable trail, Scorpio holding a tattered cloth map against the seemingly penetrating and unforgiving breeze.

His armor and garments were severely ripped, his satchel lost amongst the depths of the swamp, and his face bloodied, pale from the painful cold which lashed against his body with each snaring gust like a horseman’s whip. Scorpio’s hands now trembling from the cold and the stinging of the rain, he struggled to firmly plant his feet into the rocky and slippery trail, collapsing to the path at the brink of exhaustion, as Argent stopped to the ground to pull him to his feet.

“Damned misdirection, Scorpio…open your eyes to reality of imprudence. Your errant sense of direction lea you astray to such a state…if we would have taken the heightened lands…taken the path of prudence, of ease…”

“Argent, would you give such ranting a rest already?”

“What are you speaking of…Argent?” He asked, looking up towards him, as Argent set the merchant to the ground against a rock, and the swordsman promptly handed him a burlap cape, as they stopped at the decline of the trail to rest, Dash keenly eyeing the distance. Already, his body had been encroached by the venom to the point of complete numbness, followed by the constant prickling of the infectious waves, as he looked to his arm, only to find it, in shock, completely crystallized, now immobile to him. Already, he was losing touch with reality, with perception entirely, his environs twisting in a sense, fading in a mist which seemed to douse the senses with oblivious agents. He could partly hear the conversation between Scorpio and Kimiahn on his welfare, but it became quickly distorted, then absent…

“…quite possibly the effect of the Mingard-Gariland codex…their venom is potent in nature, and can fell an able bodied traveler within hours…he needs an antidote.”

“We must progress, though…there is little other choice…”

“But there remains the chance he may die…the venom crystallizes itself…rendering the victim entirely petrified. I would…”

The sky silent for a moment, save for the gusts of wind and rain, voices now permeated the foliage to their rear followed by footsteps and the trampling of brush, as though crushed under the soles of one’s boots. A veil of alarm cast over the swordsman, as he tried somehow to alert them, he fell to his knees and nearly keeled over, only for his free arm to garner a final round of support. The sound of metallic locking, as though from a firing bolt, echoing amongst the wind, and the scream of Kimiahn resonating through his conscience, a final wave of pain shot through the swordsman’s body, rendering his surroundings into nothingness, bereaved of detail, save for endless light around him. Kneeling, facing the source of the light as he opened his eyes to it, he felt something pass through him, only to see two figures appear into the distance, shadowed, as they called to him.

“Rezka Masahiro Shaw Blake the third…” The voice of a young woman called, as her salutation was quickly complemented by a more youthful, but disciplined voice.

“ has been so many years...”

By now, most of his energy had been bereaved from the venom, himself barely mustering the strength to lift his head at their calls, but summoning it, he could now recall the voice, realize with his eyes, the beauty of the woman approaching him, her serene eyes and welcoming smile a gentle reminder to his past.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Masahiro…an aeon, I have been waiting to see your face…silently, wishfully…with deft anticipation.”

She spoke, as she approached ever closer, with her slender hand, stroking his chin, as she lifted his face to meet hers, her sepia eyes piercing into his.

“Myself and Leon…we have waited so long for this moment…to once again cast our eyes, our grievances to the traitor…”

“You left us father, abandoned us…allowed our memories to fade into the wind…why?”

Dash couldn’t answer, but yet the second visage appeared from his mother’s side, stepping towards him with candor and trained discipline, his finely tailored suit ruffling about in the light. Even at the youthful age of eight, his son possessed same aura to his, his green eyes pulsating, and his vermillion hair streaked with burgundy.

“Father, Rezka Masahiro…you were never meant to live, you were never meant to transgress between the boundaries of reality. Why did you cling to life, to physical existence? Can’t you see, it’s entirely fallacious…” He asked rather innocuous, with a subtle gait, as the woman prompted him once again, her eyes again meeting his with the same piercing and steel stare.

“Why do you not speak to your son, Masahiro, or to myself? Is this what some call, ‘humanity’? To deny their loved ones answers, to hold the voice abstruse and to pursue errant ideals?”

“Sounds more of a fallacy, the false virtue of misdirection…” Leon spoke in a stoic manner, as Dash muttered a tangible response.

“Rose, Leon, I took the bullets for you…throwing myself into the line of the enemy as they opened fire upon us. That is the merit of humanity, to preserve compassion…”

“But nonetheless, you betrayed us, Masahiro. You allowed the physical truth to divide our were too immersed in your so called ‘reality’, which hence, clouded your spiritual vision. ” She spoke, as Leon continued.

“We never died, father…you would surmise we did…but physical truths can be deceiving. Let me immerse you in true ‘reality’. Let me assist to enlighten you, father, to direct you from such a strayed path.” Leon spoke, as he motioned to Rose, whom extended her hand to the swordsman, looking upon him sadly.

”Masahiro…you kneel before us, on the verge of death, the venom slowly seeping through your body, bereaving you of radiant life of physical being. You will soon die, to be cast into the blackening spiral of nothingness, of dark oblivion. But yet, I can be the one to liberate you, to rid you of such pain, of your grievances and your suffering…but you must do one thing, take my hand, Masahiro!” Rose spoke, as Leon stood aside her, beckoning him to reach outwards.

“You must follow us into the light, to the arms of the Seeds, of the operating system. You wish for absolute perfection? I can grant you that, Masahiro! In the next reality you can possess boundless strength, superior intelligence and philosophical enlightenment, the fruits and essence of integrity, of honor, of the system itself. It all comes with…so subtle a cost, one we so easily forsake and yourself could sacrifice with general ease. All you must do is rid yourself of a body, to become an epitaph, a spirit. What is such a soct, so subtle as life? Life is nothing, nothing at all but errant and disposable data…”

Rose spoke, as she smiled at him gently, Dash now summoning the strength to speak.

“You’re not…Rose! My true love would wish for nothing more but the preservation of my life!!”

“Father, such a prospect is ludicrous. Open your eyes to reality…” Leon spoke, now visibly angered.

“This is reality, Leon! Wait a moment…you’re a fallacy as well, are you not?!”

“How facetious, father…is this human ‘denial, you are exercising?”

Leon asked, as Rose spoke to him softly.

“Masahiro…we can be epitomized as real…look at my hands, my skin, my face…what instinctual thoughts convince you of our falsehood? What would lead you to surmise such a harrowing thought?” The girl asked, as Dash responded.

“Rose’s eyes would never harness acrimony…she was a gentle soul…”

And as soon as Dash released his statement, Rose backhanded him across the face, sending him flying backwards off his feet. But lacking the strength to stand, Rose and Leon so steadily approached, laughing in a conceited fashion, yet their faces sincere.

“How imprudent, Masahiro…don’t you realize, don’t you understand…you are soon to die, and yet you continue to cling to resistance, to humanity…”

“I understand everything now! You’re mere reflections of my memories, projections dispatched by the system to tear my conscience, my will…”

“Perspicuous…even for a human…but I underestimated you, Masahiro…I was convinced that you, like the rest of your human counterparts, would exhibit naiveté! And yet, you looked through my eyes so easily…”

“…the very same Ludandrian looked through the system…disregarding the established bureaucracy of the seeds before he was eliminated…why then, follow his path?” Leon asked, demanding a response.

“Ludandrian, even though a Seed himself, understood the fallacy of such ‘Seed logic’, the error of the prospect of a utopia, the dangers of a predetermined future…”

“Your father was an arrogant and mislead patron to humanity. He may have possessed a genetic purity, but his treason to the OS was unjustified. His preaching of false virtues, namely vouching for ‘reality’ were the source of much acrimony to the system. He evaded us for so long, skipping between the rifts and Aeons…but we now know he lies within yourself, your Chrysalis the link to that second reality where he resides!”

The girl hissed at him, as she lifted the swordsman from the ground by the front of his shirt, eyeing him with general malice, as Dash muttered to her, his voice strengthening.

“That a speculative theory…but how can you gauge or prove it, hmm? What is your definition of ‘reality’?”

“You wish to know the meaning of reality, do you not, Masahiro? But would you comprehend it, being so arrogant? Perchance I should show you instead.” The girl spoke, as with the closing of her eyes, she summoned forth the image of countless stars amidst blackness, the three now levitating amongst it, the boy now speaking.

“Rezka Masahiro…all you see before you, the universe, is simply a projection of the system in perfect accord. It serves as physical outlet of operation, a neuron network you may say, or a series of terra-circuits arranged through beacons. And this universe is yet an atom in comparison to the local machine, then regional and universal. We, the execution, those whom enforce its operation, are infinitesimal…”

As the girl threw Dash to the ground once again, both figures now stood over him, the girl speaking.

“Yourself…Ludandrian, remain a threat to the integrity of the system’s operation if you remain alive, situated in reality…you must be removed all at once…I’m…so sorry I have to do this…Masahiro…”

She spoke, as all at once, Dash found the strength to lunge forward and draw his sword of chrysalis forth, holding it at them as his eyes grew extremely heavy, the atmosphere fading back to paltry white, and his life fading.

“What are you doing? Don’t you realize, even with such a medium, you’ll prove to us nothing…”

“Rezka Masahiro…you’re only serving to complicate our efforts...cease this immediately!”

He spoke, as Dash felt a sudden surge of energy, refreshing, warming, rush through his body and mind, as though he were suddenly inundated in a calming spring, or basking in the radiance of the sun. The numbness and pain oddly washing away, as though poisons and scars cleansed from a bloody wound, he found continual strength to brandish the weapon before them, only to see the atmosphere and both figures fade into the distance, now replaced with nothingness…

And then, so quickly as the hallucination began, Dash found himself, floating, swimming through an endless sea of stars and nebulae, the environs cast under a veil of penetrating darkness. Encroached now with a feeling of vivacity, of connection with life once again, he scanned the area about him in an effort to find something to cling to, but little fell within site. Treading through the nothingness, as though water, one particular star caught his eye, an ethereal body cast in a aura of sky blue, but as he reached out towards it with his hand, he felt a sudden surge of motion tearing away at him, propelling him with a rush throughout his body through a vacuum with stunning speed, the stars around him distorting greatly, yet slowly shifting away. And yet, so quickly as his voyage began, the onrush terminated as he felt a sense of gravitational motion, as everything faded to black, then he awoke.

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