Global community of LEGO enthusiasts 
Welcome to the international LEGO Users Group Network — where LEGO® enthusiasts of all ages find information, meet one another, and share ideas. As an independent site by fans for fans, LUGNET is neither owned nor operated by the LEGO Company.

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Current Top Stories as highlighted by LUGNET Members
Monday / 1-Jul-24 / 05:03 GMT

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Clubs worldwide:  Join or start a LEGO Users Group or Train Club in your area!  Browse

You are not alone!  LUGNET is a global community of thousands of users and members of all ages. Meet people who understand you.
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Newest Members:
  • paul gene melton, mr.
  • Twan van Kessel
  • Andy Price
  • Marko Vovk
  • Jack A. Nanigian
  • Egil Gjelstad
  • mac donkey
  • John Riley II
  • Alex Katko
  • Susan Crowder

    Where minds connect:  Share thoughts, dreams, creations, building tips, buying tips, news, gripes, and more with like-minded people worldwide — in discussion groups covering every aspect of the hobby.  Browse

    Cool site:  Learn more about Shiri Dori's website CastLEGO at Cool LEGO Site of the Week.

    Show your colors:  Buy a LUGNET T-shirt and help support LUGNET today!  Browse
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