Michael Kohan ("MikeyChalupa")
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Star Wars. My wife has a bunch of Paradisa.
My fascination with LEGO began... When I was 5 and got my first set
Someday I will build... A minifig-scale baseball stadium
LEGO is great because... You can hand it down to your kids and still play with it yourself
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: My PC... if I'm not playing with one, I'm playing with the other
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Baseball, Hockey
My favorite Foods: Buffalo wings, any seafood
My favorite Movies & TV: Sci-fi, action, comedy
Words which best describe me: Adjectives
I love it when... I can talk my wife into letting me get another set.
I hate it when... there are STAMPS in the set. I HATE STAMPS!
I can't seem to get enough... minifig heads with "personality".
I always seem to have enough... generic "grin" minifig heads.
I wish I could... take Lego on deployment without being laughed out of the Navy.
I hope I never... go into another Dark Age.
I wish I hadn't... used my teeth on my original "kid years" batch of Lego... they're pretty much ruined.
In my craziest moments... I'll call in sick to work or come home early to finish a good MOC.
If I were super-human... I'd be able to separate 1x2 plates without breaking a sweat.
Rules I try to live by: - Collect $200 as you pass GO.
- Squeeze from the bottom and flatten as you go up.
- Lather, rinse, repeat.
Additional comments:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog