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 Organizations / United States / GardenSLUG / Chris Weeks /


GardenSLUG is the Garden State LEGO User Group which is a pretty informal group of folks who share an interest in the LEGO construction toys.

Our Timeline:

I started a discussion about the formation of a LEGO fan group in the LUGNET New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania groups back in June of 2000 after coming home from WAMALUG’s brickfest.
  Is there interest in a new LUG?
Hi All, I returned yesterday evening from the EastCoast Brick Fest put on by WAMALUG. It was cool. It appears that there are quite a few folks around who are LEGO enthusiasts, and I thought it might be nice to put some kind of club together for (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jun-00, to,,,  
Then we had our innaugural meeting at my house on the 22nd of July 2000 with six participants.
  First meeting of GardenSLUG!
Hi all, I hosted the first meeting of the newly formed GardenSLUG yesterday from 3:00 to about 9:30. It was fun. I was joined by (in order of arrival, I think) Cletus Romano, Andy Lynch, Bianca Nebab, Laurajean Murphy, and Erik Olson. We built from (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jul-00, to lugnet.announce,,,, ! 
Thanks to Lindsay Frederick Braun (our member in absentia), we got a LUGNET newsgroup of our very own set up and I posted the first real note.
First message! GardenSLUG is go, we had our meeting. When and where is the next one? Chris (24 years ago, 28-Jul-00, to  
Erik Olson set up our mailing list at on (or about) the 18th of August 2000.
  Start a Mailing List?
I think it is a good idea to have a private club email list. The main use would be to post instructions to your home, privately instead of publicly on Think of sensitive information like "I'm out of town these weekends... Here's (...) (24 years ago, 12-Aug-00, to
For a variety of reasons, we didn’t meet again until the 11th of November 2000. Cletus set up the time and place and we had ten people show up. It went well.
  Meet Saturday Nov 11: Ambler PA
Hello friends & strangers, The next GardenSlug meeting is Nov 11 near Philadelphia. Cletus has found space at his church and we shall see how big the train track becomes this time. Bring your creations to display! As usual, ending time is not (...) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to,,,
  My Photos From Ambler
The photos I took are on the web: (URL) are in a kludgy catalog layout with a few credits. Yell at me if I goofed up any credits. (In particular, whose knights were those? Dan's or Jim's? Who built the red-and-white station, or the fuel tank?) (...) (24 years ago, 13-Nov-00, to  

Some GardenSLUG Images:

Our First Meeting (at my house)

Each of these images will link you to a big image. But beware, they’re pretty slow over a modem.

   This is a picture of the play pile. Bianca Nebab is shown whole, and you see the bottoms of Laurajean Murphy and Cletus Romano, and a bit of Andy Lynch.
   This is another shot of the play pile with Andy Lynch putting something together. You can see his choice of appropriate atire as well.
   In this picture, you can see all three of the aformentioned GardenSLUGs.

   This is a picture of the train-track ascending to the right. (And my HEPA filter too!)
   When your giant rabit needs real speed, he needs a Bunny Hopper™. I just built this from the pile.
   I think this picture has a couple of Andy’s castle-themes creations.

   This is Andy’s cathedral with trans-x plates making a stained glass window.
   In this image, you see a house by Andy in the foreground. I really should have taken this with the house opened so you could see more. In the background is a Seussian playground by my six-year old.
   These are a bunch of cars and stuff brought by Cletus. It’s a bad picture, so tilt your head a little when you look at it.

   This truck is another of Cletus’ creations. The details really make it.
   Here, the poor passengers of LEGO express are hurtling to their doom. Snow Crash, the bane of minifigs, is prepareing to dine on ABS.
   Mmmmmm. Smokestack!

   This is where the minifigs really get it. I’ll show no gore, but I’m sure you can imagine what happens when he gets it opened.
   We made as tight a loop/intersection as possible and played with the length of the train.
   Someone built this from the pile. Who’s is it?

   This one too..?
   This picture is a model of a building in Erik Olson’s neighborhood. He uses a variety of pieces quite nicely.
   The Bunny Hopper™ doesn’t deserve another shot, but you can see part of the Gate of the Present in the foreground and a soccer set in the background.

Our Second Meeting (at Cletus’ church)

   This is the basic train setup for the meeting. But it did morph considerably.
   Andy built this lighthouse as an exercise in building round structures.
   This is Andy’s workstation.

   Andy’s farm.
   Andy’s mixed castle.
   Jim’s coal loading station.

   Jim’s bridge, or Cletus’?
   Jim’s bridge, or Cletus’?
   A top shot of the loading chute on Jim’s coal station.

   I’ve lost track of what is who’s, but I think these are Jim’s.
   Who brought these?
   And the foosball set?

   Someone’s train station.
   A pile of my trade loot.
   Here I was trying to get a shot of both trains in motion and some of the structures.

   I think this is Bruce Shaw’s Jeep.
   These planes are Bruce’s too, right?
   This boat is also Bruces. I think.

   It looks like these train cars were with Bruce’s other stuff, so I’m going to guess they’re his too.
   Were these custom figs Binky’s?
   Were these custom figs Binky’s?

   Is this structure Erik’s?
   See? The track did morph.

I’m also missing some pictures that didn’t turn out. Erik Olson had a really neat business block, with a diner on the corner, but I think my flash didn’t work that time.

You can also see Erik’s photos from our second meeting.
Primary content in this document is © Chris Weeks. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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