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Appraisal 736
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Auctions 10948
Jambalaya 1900
Shopping 13059
Brick Shops 1800
Services 574
Theory 2774
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The curator for lugnet.marketplace is Kevin Salm
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Auctioning, buying, selling, trading, exchanging, and shopping for LEGO® products

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  Re: Question about selling my collection
(...) Hi, I work in an Autism Unit and would like to bulk buy lego for our students - maybe we could come up with a cleaver plan? (8 years ago, 14-Jun-17, to
  Question about selling my collection
I hope this is in the right area. I'm not ready to sell my collection just yet but I wanted to find out if anyone knows where I should go. My collection is over 2000 lbs of Lego, so even at a reasonable price, we're talking in the five figure range. (...) (8 years ago, 5-Jun-17, to
  Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide continued....
My guide will be a closed edition shortly, because of a future Asian multivolume book form of my soon to be expanded guide (1949-2017).... which may or may not get translated to other languages in the future. There will be over 4000 pages, many of (...) (8 years ago, 12-Feb-17, to
  The BrickLink bugs thread
This section has not been active for 5+ years, but I think there is a valid need for something now. There are a number of unresolved bugs at BL. Attempts at reporting them has met with denial. List the bugs you know about here, but keep it factual (...) (8 years ago, 5-Dec-16, to

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