Tired of waiting while dozens of thumbnails download onto your screen simultaneously? Try this:

  1. The first time you load this page, note how long it takes to load all of the images on the right. On a dial-up modem connection, it may take as long as half a minute or more.
  2. Now download one of the following pre-packaged image bundles and unzip it into a new folder somewhere on your local hard drive.
  3. Next, using the Browse button, locate the folder you created for the images and select the file whose name ends with ".txt". You may need to select the file type "Text" or "All Files" in order to see the file.
  4. Now press the Confirm button to acknowledge installation of the images.

Note: This is a proof-of-concept technology demonstration, not a full-blown solution to the larger problem. No Mini-Figures were harmed for this demonstration.

LEGO building set images are Copyright © Lego Group.