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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
July 29-August 4, 2001

T.J.‘s LEGO Creations Website -T.J. Avery

   “That’s not a crane...this is a crane.” T.J.‘s minifig scale crawler crane, reaching 12 feet high and capable of a 40-lb. lift, is a truly staggering affair. Words fail - just go and have a look.

And while you’re there, check out the huge truss bridges (both a straight and an arched), complete with construction notes on some of the interesting details. This is the engineer you want to engage for the biggest construction projects around Legoland.

And then there’s the tower crane...

There’s only one problem: What does he do for an encore?

(Reviewed by Richard Parsons)

"LEGO® ergo sum"
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

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