| | Cool LEGO Site of the Week November 28-December 4, 1999
LEGO® Trucks and Construction Machinery Dennis Bosman
If you didnt know you were looking at models built from LEGO bricks, you
might think you were looking at the real thing. These models are so big and
so detailed, and carefully photographed against fields, blue skies, and fine
gravel, that they are nothing short of astonishing. Many of the trucks (its
hard to think of them as models!) are also motorized for full effect.
Dennis has been building large LEGO trucks for nearly 15 years. Even his
first truck, a three-axled tractor with a lowloader, was quite an
accomplishment. (Check out Denniss extensive personal history on his
The start of my hobby page.)
Every page is chock-full of helpful narratives to go along with the photos,
which almost speak for themselves, but if you are into trucks, or curious
about model details or workings, the text is indispensible.
Parts of the site (particularly the translations to English of certain pages)
are still under construction, but you can see everything in the Dutch pages
if its not available in English. Dont miss the astounding page of tall
work cranes, one of which measures in at 4.2 meters tall (thats 13¾ feet