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 Cool / buttons

Cool LEGO Site of the Week
Buttons & Banners

If you enjoy Cool LEGO Site of the Week, you can put a button or banner on your homepage or LEGO webpage. The images below work on any background color or pattern:

CLSotW Banner

400x40 Banner
400x40 pixels (6 KB)

CLSotW Buttons

100x100   Button
100x100 pixels
3 KB
   75x75 Button
75x75 pixels
2 KB
   50x50 Button
50x50 pixels
1 KB

Use your browser’s image-saving feature to make a copy. If your site has been featured here, by all means feel free to mention that on your page and to quote parts or all of the review if you wish.

LUGNET Buttons & Banners

There is also a page of LUGNET Buttons and Banners if you are interested.

"LEGO® ergo sum"
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

All text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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