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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / Leah Cardaci / Factions / Sages

The Sages

The Sages are a very old group that travel Auren and beyond looking for artifacts and information. Many of the Sages have been assigned posts at places of general interest. It is a well-known fact in Auren that a Sage will quickly appear when anything important happens. Due to this, they have been able to record much of the history of the kingdom. However, the Sages have never eagerly shared the information they personally gathered.

Over time the sages have come to value descriptions of events described first hand over those gathered later. They train their students to put as much detail and as little of their own opinions as possible in their descriptions. They consider the descriptions of past Sages to be the only trustworthy versions of history, the accuracy of all other written history is considered very uncertain.

Because of his great knowledge of Auren the leader of the Sages, the Grand Sage, has tutored the heir to the throne for generations. There are rumors that the Sages have used this position to subtly control kingdom politics.


Learn about individual Sages.



Visit the structures of the the kingdom of Auren, in the ancient writings of the Sages.

Portura Nocterna
Description: This document written by the Sage Tristan records the momentous discovery of a magical gateway to another land.
Time Frame: Eighty-three years ago
Primary content in this document is © Leah Cardaci. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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